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Atmo suit priority problem

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Hi All!I have the same problem like the link below.If I install anywhere Atmo Suit docks (10 unit block with fully filled) on the exits of my base, the outer work priorities simply mess up.

  1. Dupes go outside with suit, and for example build a ladder and go back to base, and repeat. All building process is extremely long. I switched Proximity ON, but did not help.

  2. It looks like priorities does not work outside, when Atmo dock is ON. I set all priority to 9 or even !! and Red Alert, and dupes do not care about it.

  3. If i switch OFF the Atmo Dock, the priorities well work again, and dupes swarm the work area in 9 or !! priority and do the job. Overall outside priority messing up dupes task list, if there is an Atmo Dock on base exit. (I checked, and they receive a core base top task, when they start go back to the base after 1 ladder, or 1 block of dig)

This is my third base 100-150 cycle, and always happens. I switched notebook to i5 PC, but nothing helps. Latest Steam version...


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Whenever you run into prioritization problems, here's a couple things to try:

* Pick a dupe and check their errands list. Is their #1 priority the same as what you think it should be?
* Select Move To and use the cursor to see if the place they need to go is reachable. If it's not, the dupe won't even consider that task.
* Select the errand itself and see who's a candidate to work on it. Do some dupes show as Unreachable?
* Does your suit dock have enough O2 and power?
* Are dupes spending time doing tasks that could be done by sweepers instead?
* Would it help to only have certain machines turned on for specific parts of the day? i.e. Have ranchers focus on one room at a time, only use energy-intensive machines during daylight hours.

I forget exactly how prioritization gets calculated out, but I think it's multiplicative based on both the job priority and the dupe's entry on the Prioritization table. That effectively means if Farmer Stinky has farming and ranching jobs set to High (priority = 7), he won't even think about doing a building/digging job regardless of the job's priority until there aren't any farming/ranching jobs left. The proximity setting just tells him to pick the closest one, and to interrupt some other dupe if it turns out he can get there faster.

Ladders in particular are annoying because the dupe might only be able to access 1-4 tiles of it at a time, especially if they have to dig down. It helps if you can build the ladder from materials available nearby, even if you decide to change them to something else later. It also helps to specialize/prioritize a dupe in both building and digging equally, so that they will supply, then dig, and then immediately build.

If I have two dupes on a planetoid, one of them will be a digger/builder/operator/decorator, and the other will be a farmer/rancher/researcher. Each planetoid eventually gets one tidier/plumber who helps move materials around and shuttle between planets, but the others are all either builders or ranchers. I also start the game with one dupe who trains to become a super-researcher, but then becomes a rocket jockey after I max out the tech tree. Everybody learns to wear a suit, fly a rocket, and cook a meal, but I use automation to turn off the grill when I have 5 or 10kg of finished meals.

Here's some more thoughts:


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