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Create and manage dedicated servers with a beautiful interface

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Hello everyone! Every time I want to play Don’t Starve Together with friends, it’s really painful to create a dedicated server, especially you have mods and world customizations. so I want to write an application to solve this problem.

The core function is to create and manage dedicated servers through the UI interface. It should have the following functions:

  1. Create, start, stop and delete dedicated servers.
  2. Customize the world settings and generating settings, including the Master and the Cave.
  3. Add mods, and customize them.
  4. Server stats, including cpu, memory, players, etc.
  5. Make backups, and can recover from them.

I started to try to write part of it. If you are interested, you are welcome to discuss it together.


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After several days of experiments, I implemented the functions of mod download and configuration parsing!

After completing the front-end interface, I will post screenshots, and the subsequent progress will also be synchronized in this topic. If you are interested, you are welcome to follow this topic and discuss it together.:love_heart:

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Very nice project so far!

I'm curious if you are planning to add a proper mod browser to search and add them straight from your application. So you don't have to copy/paste the mod IDs anymore.

Also I'm a little confused if you implemented a function to manually download the mods, or if you only configure the modoverrides.lua and servermodsetup.lua for automatic mod downloading, as the former sounds kinda redundant.

Keep it up!

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14 hours ago, Daniel86268 said:

Very nice project so far!

I'm curious if you are planning to add a proper mod browser to search and add them straight from your application. So you don't have to copy/paste the mod IDs anymore.

Also I'm a little confused if you implemented a function to manually download the mods, or if you only configure the modoverrides.lua and servermodsetup.lua for automatic mod downloading, as the former sounds kinda redundant.

Keep it up!

Thanks Daniel!

For your questions:

1. I implemented a search dialog to search the mod from Steam, so you don't need to copy/paste the mod IDs anymore.

2. Once you have added a mod to your server, you can configure it on the web page, everything else will be taken care of automatically, like configuring the modoverrides.lua and servermodsetup.lua.


Here is the mod search screenshot so far, and the configuration dialog is in progress.

mod search dialog.png

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I guess I'd go for the things people struggle with the most, followed by some QoL features in the following order:

1. Installing mods <- Already done, good job!
2. Configuring world settings
- Dynamically read the available settings, so in case Klei adds a new one, you don't need to update the list manually?
3. Configuring server.ini/cluster.ini inkl. IP, Ports, etc.
4. Maybe add an option for starting/stopping the server from your UI, maybe even look at the live log(s)?
- One button for launching both and stopping both.
- Seperate buttons to individually starting/stopping them. (As sometimes you only have to restart one, like if the caves crash)
5. Backups
- Save Backups
- Configuration backups/profiles? So you can save your configuration and/or jump inbetween profiles to try other configurations
6. the Option to configure/manage multiple clusters (if not already configured)
- Something like a dropdown menu where you can select your configured servers.
- A button to add a new cluster
- A button to copy an existing cluster
- A button to delete (with "are you sure?" prompt)
7. Server Stats
- CPU Usage (per core? Since that's what affects the Server's performance.)
- RAM usage
- Players online
- Server Performance? (similar to the red/yellow/red bars ingame) Or something like tickrate, if it's checkable.

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