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Add gyms to the game (faster xp gain structures)

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Right now atleast as far as i know there is 2 ways for new duplicants to gain skill points in late game.

1. Just letting them be and hoping they dont starve because their athleticity or other low skills.

2. Or doing a "gym" setup for them to slowly... gain more skill points until the have enough to survive in the colony.



Adding actual gym structures (or xp boosters)

Gyms/xp booster buildings could be a really good for the games QOL. Since it would make the late games "gym" grind less painful and make getting new duplicants later much safer and less worrisome. Right now it feels really slow and kinda workaround for there being nothing "official" to get faster skill points.

(also seeing dupes doing gym stuff would be funny)

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14 hours ago, Empa505 said:

Right now atleast as far as i know there is 2 ways for new duplicants to gain skill points in late game.

1. Just letting them be and hoping they dont starve because their athleticity or other low skills.

2. Or doing a "gym" setup for them to slowly... gain more skill points until the have enough to survive in the colony.



Adding actual gym structures (or xp boosters)

Gyms/xp booster buildings could be a really good for the games QOL. Since it would make the late games "gym" grind less painful and make getting new duplicants later much safer and less worrisome. Right now it feels really slow and kinda workaround for there being nothing "official" to get faster skill points.

(also seeing dupes doing gym stuff would be funny)

I keep thinking of fallout shelter.

More rooms please. !!

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