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Signboard that player can enter text

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To Dear Developer

ONI has Signboard for parks and nature reserves. This Signboard allows player to quickly and clearly recognize that the area is a park or nature reserve.

I would like to propose a new general-purpose Signboard that has the advantages of this Signboard and expands on it.

・Player can make Signboard it in any vacant place.
・Player can enter any text on the signboard and display it. Player can change the text at any time.
・The length of text that can be entered for each signboard is fixed.
・Some signboards can be connected by placing them side by side, allowing Player to enter longer text. There is no limit to the number of signboards that can be connected.
・Player cannot select the color, size, or thickness of the text. But I would be happy if I had a choice.
・The signboard itself has no function.

★Signboard type
・Ceiling-mounted type
・Side-mounted type
・sticks into the ground type
・floats freely in the air type

★Example of how to use a signboard
・signboard on the ceiling of a private room with the names of the Duplicates who use that room.
・There is a signboard on the ceiling of the storage area that shows the materials contained in the storage.
・signboard with a note that the player himself/herself wants to pay attention to.
・Monumental signboard.
・Signboards as decorations for visual enjoyment.


To non-developers

This topic does not ask for introductions to mods.


sample images.I don't have the skills to draw a Signboard, so I use canvas to express it.


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To SGT_Imalas

I first wrote the following.

This topic does not ask for introductions to mods.

Despite this, posting information about mods is nothing but an act of harassment towards me, the proposer, and the topic.

Players who want to know information about mods can simply search for it themselves. Players can also ask questions on the Mods and Tools forum. The players are not Kindergarten children, so they can do it on their own without your help.

Please refrain from similar harassing behavior on my topics in the future.

If you want to help other players in any way, instead of posting in my topic, create a new topic on the Mods and Tools forum and link my topic there. and write the mod information there.

I hope that you are the kind of person who does not continue to harass the proposer.

  [Oxygen Not Included] - Mods and Tools

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