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New ways for making rocket launch pads

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To developers who are launching

What really shocked me about "Spaced Out!" is that in order to make a rocket launch pad on an unexplored asteroid, the Duplicants need to go to that asteroid. At least for me, this restriction is a major factor in reducing my interest in other asteroids.

Therefore, I would like to propose two ways to allow more players to enjoy unexplored asteroids.

1.Enable the exploration robot to make a rocket launch pad.
In an environment where oxygen and food are harsh, the robots first make a basic base, including a rocket launch pad, where the Duplicants descend by rocket. I think this is a very natural flow in space development.

2. "Foldable rocket launch module" that can be mounted on a rocket.
This is a module that can be mounted on a rocket like an exploration robot module. When it is dropped from the asteroid's orbit, the module that was folded automatically on the surface of the asteroid will unfold to complete the rocket launch pad. Of course, a ladder and scaffolding are also included. This way is the easiest and does not require Duplicatants or robots.

The player uses way 2 if there is ground for a rocket launch pad on the surface of the asteroid, and way 1 if there is not.

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Like much else in the game (and real life) you just need to plan and engineer around the restrictions. If you build your robot and trailblazer landers out of steel, then one of each will put enough steel on the surface to let your dupe quickly build a landing pad and enough ladders to get back in the rocket before their suit (you did bring one, right?) runs out of air.

Most of the planetoids have tiles too hard for the robot to dig anyway so I usually treat them as disposable helpers for the dupes doing the real exploring and building.

Honestly the challenges of bootstrapping a new colony on a desolate, remote, alien planetoid are some of the most "realistic" parts of a game that otherwise features immortal, unnaturally-strong cartoons who only have to pee once a day. I might have to go twice before I finish typing this po

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To non-developers reading this topic

This topic is not the place to advocate how you think about games or how to play them.

This topic is for developers, but if you would like to reply, please suggest "a new way to make rocket launch pads without Duplicatants landing on unexplored asteroid".

That is the subject of this topic.

If you can't think of any ideas, please ignore this topic.

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