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So why just lunar hail?

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So why is it just lunar hail? This is so weird that no matter the season when ever it rains it hails instead. Like why does hail not happen during the summer? is the rift charging up?  It would make more sense for these lunar weather was specific to the season. Why not make it more tailored to each season. The hail also kills a core mechanic of the game, being wet. if we don't have rain (rifts are open like 90% of the time). A lot of perks just get phased out. (same with planer damage but that's like a whole nother thing) 

Hail works great for winter and honestly if its just happening in winter it could be turned up a little. 

Spring should probably get something rain themed, using the lunar storm lighting + new frog rain is probably good.

Summer is a bit harder, we gots no rain. This might actually be the one season safe from the moon because night is the shortest here. If any threat was going to be here it should probably be shadow themed. And on the flipside if we get shadow threats I don't think winter should get a shadow threat. 

Autumn is supposed to be a easier season, it's the down time season. So this will be the one where bright shades spawn. I think at the start of every autumn a Large bright shade should spawn. it could be a boss but i think it would work better as just a thing you have to kill easily. It spawns bright shades around the world infecting your plants and attacking you in waves. Think like the brambles in hamlet where they spread around the world. Maybe it could spawn on a new island so there is something new in the ocean.

This is really just some quick ideas used as like a starting point with keeping in mind that it takes developer time to change and do things so reusing and tweaking already existing things is better and faster for something as quick as this. 


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2 hours ago, maroonamanita said:

The hail also kills a core mechanic of the game, being wet.

that was the case before a hotfix, but now lunarhail doesnt happen so often, you will still have a lot of rains in your world, dont worry.

  • Decreased the frequency of lunar hail storms and increased their duration.


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