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After 25 hours of playing:

If I had to focus on 1 THING  that hinders the game and its main down fall - it would be the skills.

This game is begging for SKILL SLOTS


In combat there are literally 4 unused buttons on the controller, yet you need to replace your boss skill or very basic skill , with other skills you find .

This messes up the core gameplay and the progression value BIGTIME  





In RotWood 
The spear is not good in very close range 
So it makes sense to have the knockback 

The hammer is all about AOE to create focus hits - so the ground smash fits like a glove 

The canon is ranged only , in a pickle - having a punch makes tons of sense 

The main issue with the striker is collectinf your balls like a child who kicked his soccerball off the road - with the callback skill you stylishly solve that issue and as I said before it's almost essential.

Being forced to replace them midrun or for boss skills is absurd. 

Moreover parry Shoulsnt be a boss skill. But a basic skill from first hour of gameplay on RB/RT/LT.  (Or choose keyboard key) 


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I like the idea of skills, especially passive/active ones that you can "keep" as part of your core gameplay, like the passive heartstone bonuses. Learn it, take it back to base, and allow it to alter your gameplay style in some way. Slot them in and go. For example, maybe a critical focus hit gives you a strong strike from a "Fury Flurry" skill being slotted in your passive. That takes it from being "spear tip good, close bad" to "spear tip REALLY GOOD" and enhances the core gameplay mechanic of the spear. I'm no game dev, it's just an example, that would probably be pretty lame; but the point is, skills could totally add more flavor.


Edit: Flurry Fury sounds way better.

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as practice in my team shows, the skills that are given in the middle of the game are either not used at all or simply skipped, the only skill that makes sense is a banana, because in combination with powers you can get a very strong combination.
- Punching your hands to get 1 crit is nothing and during the fight you constantly forget about it, the best option is to make a time during which you have an increased chance of crit and use the ability periodically for support, or so that it would give a 100% chance of crit .
- stone throwing is generally not an interesting skill for me due to the very low damage and the existence of long-range weapons, as a good option to add the ability to hold the ability button to charge your blow and inflict crit damage with knocking back the opponent and knocking him off his feet, then it would make some sense and was used

Also, the combat medic skill, which can raise several players at the same time with less health loss, sounds very good. It very often happens at large levels that 2 or more die and it takes a long time to raise them.

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