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We need larger excavation machines

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As long as you land on this planet and its field of view opens, your computer needs to calculate all temperature changes and gas and liquid flows on the planet. The only way is to empty out this planet, collect debris from the ground, collect all liquids, and let the gas float into space, only in this way can CPU calculations be reduced. But this process is long and boring, so a large excavation machine is needed to accelerate the progress.


Relying solely on manual excavation is too slow, why not have mechanical assistance?

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21 hours ago, HagenAizen said:

I thought of something like a TNT for 2 Stage Excavation operations. Sulfur and Refined Carbon mixer, Gunpowder making, Paper Making from Lumber.. and craft Bombs..

We could also get an improved version using fertilizer and crude oil.

Still i feel like te issue is more about autmating the process rather than speeding it up. Getting dupes to clear a large chunk of the map can take painfully long and requires a lot of ladders (and they still get stuck). Jet suits help a bit but they have their own problems. Imo we need an improved robo miner of sorts that can clear a huge area without you needing to watch it all the time.

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