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Make this part of the base game please

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A long time ago I proposed an idea for a "finish task schedule", Stephen made it into a mod called "Rest for the weary".
It prevents dupes from dropping things at the start of their downtime, and prevents a lot of problems.
It's really an organizational quality of life upgrade that has advantages and no downsides.

I'm proposing that this be added to the base game, as it's far too useful a feature to be absent from the games of those who don't know where to look, or are opposed to modding their game for fear of breaks, etc.

I know Klei has turned some mod ideas into base-game features before.  So, why not?  
I mean, is there any valid opposition for it?

Please ONI devs, try out the mod, see what it does, and then decide for yourselves.  It'd be a nice addition to the schedule page for sure.  

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Well, the one task block seems to entirely solve a very common issue with no downsides - Just 100% QOL.

I've been playing this game since far before it's release.  I've got nealy 4,000 hours of game time.  I'm extremely active on the discord, and often collaborate to see what solutions people have come up with to common issues.  Despite all this experience with the game, I still have not seen a better solution than implementing the "finish task" schedule block.
I thought it was a good idea 3 years ago, I think it's a good idea now.  After all that time I've never once had a reason to doubt the idea.
It was modded into the game because someone saw the idea and agreed.
Users downloaded the mod because they agreed.
There's so much agreement that it's a good idea, and I have yet to see valid opposition for it.

But, why keep it as a mod if it's all pros, no cons?  Even if players don't like it, they don't need to paint it on their schedules, problem solved.
It's been tried, tested, and proven.  

Yet, when I type these things on the forum, I almost feel like I'm writing in a personal journal, instead of interacting with a community, as often I get a few views, no replies, and never a single word from anyone who'd have any decision making power within the Klei development team.

It's very sad to see.  It makes it feel like the devs don't care.  I hope they do, I just don't feel they do.
I see them pump out new cosmetics, new this and that, but putting a watermelon jacket on a dupe isn't going to improve how we play the game, even though they do look very nice.
I didn't see anyone asking for that - maybe they did but I just missed it?  I don't mind it, I just think there are things that should be prioritized, and that's not a 9, cosmetics are like, a 2. 
It was just sort of introduced out of the blue, but if Klei implements things nobody asked for, while ignoring things that people actually want, it makes them seem out of touch.
Klei's dev team is like a group of dupes, and the community has yellow alerted tasks, but they just don't get done.
it's been more than 1000 IRL cycles, and no word on it.  Instead, the original thread was locked down so it can't even be replied on.  Only one comment on it from another user.

Klei: "Hey, I'm going to the store, want me to grab you anything?"
me: "Yeah I could really go for a sandwich, here's some money"
Klei: "I gotchu"
Klei: "So here's those socks you clearly wanted"
Me (while already drowning in socks): "... socks... again...!?"

I don't know, if I were to give Klei any advice, any advice at all, I would say to them:

Please be more active in your own community.  Us players have been promoting your game to our friends, family, colleagues, I personally am responsible for probably over 100 of your game sales because of how much I love this game, and I really want to continue promoting the game, but I'm actively forcing myself to retain interest in it at this point.  Why can't you just acknowledge a post on the forums YOU made in order to make us feel heard?
Or was it just a place to give us the illusion of feeling heard so you'd look like you care what we think, while in reality not caring at all?
Why can't we get any feedback for our suggestions now and again from someone, anyone who has a hand in the development process?  Why are we always talking amongst ourselves?
hell, I'd even take a "Sorry, no" as a response.  At least we'd know we're seen.
I've always felt that posting on the forum is as effective as typing something up, printing it, then putting it directly into a paper shredder.
Why can't you be as passionate about the game as the players who enjoy it?
Why do you have no active members on the discord?  Are you even trying?
The community is visibly shrinking, and I don't doubt that the lack of community collaboration is responsible for some of that.
We want to feel involved, even if that involvement is rejection, it's better than being ignored.
I know devs are busy people, but part of the job should be finding out what people want, rather than assuming what people want.
Like, I got a blueprint for an "algae wedge drywall skin".
Who asked for that to be implemented?  Did someone specifically say "Klei I really think we should have algae wedge drywall skins in the game, I think it'd improve things greatly"
I'm so frustrated that even after 3 years, my idea which has been described by other users as "genius" has gone unacknowledged by Klei.  Entirely unacknowledged.
It's the best idea for the game I've ever had.

Hypothetically of course.  I may as well be posting this on myspace, as it has about the same chance to be read by devs there as it does here.
Sorry for the rant.

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