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Worthless developers that won't add keyboard and mouse support for whatever reason....

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I would prefer that instead of going the lazy route and adding KB + Mouse support, that Klei instead take that team they hired who’s only job was to improve the quality of the game on Controllers and make said team well… actually PLAY THE GAME USING A CONTROLLER 

Because I feel like that’s the big difference, what looks good through the eyes of developer programming & code- Actually doesn’t translate over to a fun or even moderately comfortable experience within actual gameplay.

There are a lot of damn right baffling development decisions in just the Craft UI & Insight Skill Trees ALONE

Its very very clear that Klei only develops the game from a Keyboard/Mouse perspective to design and work best with KB/Mouse (hence why you made this thread complaining about lack of support of it.)

While only doing a half/hurried, or even thoughtless job of porting it to controller the best they can.

I can say this- Because if anyone at Klei actually played their game they’d know that the loading screen tip that says to hold Y to inspect things in the world is a lie, you only need to “Tap” Y to inspect things. But just tapping Y is also bound to Inspecting Yourself/opening your Insight skill tree.

Which Means: In order to access your Skill Tree you need to be in a clear open area on the map with your character far enough away from anything they could be in inspecting range of.

PC doesn’t share this problem because instead of always always ALWAYS having an On Sceen Inspect prompt, KB+Mouse can mouse over onto the object they want to inspect.

Which has even further gameplay advantages that consoles don’t have, such as- Being able to inspect things from a distance without having to be within console versions “Inspection Range” of it.

And to be completely honest about it, had I known DS/DST was designed to work best on PC with KB+Mouse there’s a very high chance I would’ve never taken such a great likeness to the franchise.

Games on Consoles need to feel like they Designed for consoles, and when I die trying to Navigate between my quick craft tab, my inventory & Wilsons beard food storage- that is NOT a game designed to feel good when using a gaming controller.

Klei said they hired a team who’s only job is to work very specifically on the console editions of the game- So my one and only request is that you make this team actually PLAY THE GAME WITH A CONTROLLER so they can improve the quality of the game while using one.

Thank You, that is the end of my Rant. :wilson_love:

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