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Suggestion - Wormwood crafts multiple Lightbugs at once

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Spending 15 HP (on a character with limited healing) on a single small light source that lasts for 2.5 days is something to improve upon.

I don't like the idea of nerfing the HP cost, so why not let Wormwood create 2 or even 3 Lightbugs at once for 15 HP? Maybe the lightbulb cost could be increased to reflect that change as well.
This'd give him a fair light radius for the health spent, and players could choose to spawn more for an even brighter radius.

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1 hour ago, somethin said:

I mean, wormwood has that new dandy photosynthesis skill now, so 30 damage for 2.5 day of 2 lightbugs isn't even that bad, considering you will recover around 20 or so back in a day.

if they didnt stealth buff it , photosynthesis did not regenerate even 15 health outside of summer , let alone 20. When lightbugs had a 1 day duration I was always 2 - 3 health short when I try using them every day which is not much but adds up. After the increased duration I am pretty sure you can maintain 2 bugs and still regenerate the cost so I would say they are good enough now. Rather than changing the cost making them fly a bit closer to wormwood could be nice though.

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Lightbug is one of the weirder skills imo. Could always go down to the lunar grotto, grab 1 lightbug with a net and grab 3 more. they orbit you just the same and last until they die (so ling as you keep the lightbug in your inventory fed which is pretty easy, a berry could work)

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3 hours ago, somethin said:

I mean, wormwood has that new dandy photosynthesis skill now, so 30 damage for 2.5 day of 2 lightbugs isn't even that bad, considering you will recover around 20 or so back in a day.

Okay, but there are a few issues.
1) Photosynthesis does not heal you nearly that much (trust me I tried)
2) Relying on an entirely different skill so another skill can "work as intended" is not good balancing.

As it stands, the skill isn't unusable, but it could definitely use a tune-up for what it does (seeing as it falls behind other light sources, despite being a character skill).

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