Spider Monkeys should be neutral and Splumonkeys should be neutral or befriendable to Wilbur

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Wilbur is very light on perks outside of Shipwrecked, and spider monkeys are very threatening in Hamlet. What if there was a perk that changed both of those? After all, Wormwood's affinity for hostile plants doesn't just work on Hamlet plant mobs, it also pacifies lureplants in RoG and Shipwrecked, and the RoG pigs and Shipwrecked Wildbores are still loyal to Wilba.

As for the Splumonkeys, it would make it much easier for him to use his monkey leadership perk in RoG. It would make sense if they were non-befriendable or hostile when they transformed into Shadow Splumonkeys, but I think he should be able to befriend regular Splumonkeys.

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