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...and a bottle of rum

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At one time, I developed an anti-piracy system. Initially, it allowed to drown absolutely all the rubbish that the pirates bring with them. Now (after some updates) it still retains the main function for which it was created - it allows you to eliminate pirate raids without accumulating cursed trinkets. In parallel with this, it retains the function of a convenient and safe corridor in deep water (where it is impossible to build docks).

In addition, such constructions allow you to create comfortable colonies for safe fishing or camp-building in deep-sea areas prone to pirate raids.

I had to explain how this system works as it is part of the CC cheese scheme: 

Don't worry, you won't need 36 Houndiuses this time. Now only geometric calculations, wood, grass, webs(only once. To build a system) and the understanding that it is quite easy to farm Gnarwail Horns in oceanic waters.

How it works:

P.S. One Strident Trident is enough for more than 20 pirate raids

P.S.S. Klei, I have two news for you, guys:

First — a pirate raid can steal a giant tree.

Secondly — the your fix that repaired the disappearance of the pirate boat along with a nearby object (out of the player’s view) does not work. My regards.

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I noticed them on the CC "farm", that was a very clever use of trawl nets, I always thought they just broke when you rammed them with boats.

Are the trees necessary? I'm pretty sure that when a boat collides with an above average tree it counts as one chop swing. The tree could eventually fall down and  you'd have to replant it, can't you place more trawlers in those spots?

Also by "steal" do you mean they break down, do they just dissapear? 

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