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Resin Tree should also consider Quality of Food along with Quantity

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Currently, the resin tree mechanic is not a very interesting exercise, as either it is infinite pacu farm, or a very any large farm or something. It does not incentivize the player to attempt something more complex and different from what they usually do. Currently, very late game foods are more of a vanity mechanic, than something which has a proper incentive.

Keep in mind, that feeding the resin tree is required to produce Isoresin, a late game material.

While Klei will be the best people to decide on the exact formula, I will have resin tree calorie requirement for each quality level of food be given by-

100 Kg of Resin = Certain number of base calories divided by the (square of the food quality)

By this formula, you will need 36 times more gristle berries than frost burgers to obtain the same amount of Isoresin.

As might be evident, tree will reject terrible and grisly quality foods and might also hit the duplicants for making such a rubbish offering.

While higher quality foods do lead to less food consumption, it still fails to incentivize dabbling into higher tier foods, as differences are not very significant.

Players can be informed of the quality aspect of resin food mechanic using a footnote "Refined Taste-The tree prefers high quality foods."

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