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Why Pacu are overcrowded

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If you want to go with starve pacu way you actually need two separate tank (completely separate) which is breeding tank and starve tank.

The breeding tank need 8 tiles per pacu, So you may use mesh tiles and big water tank just like you did there.

The starve tank can be just 1 tile of water and as you probably know they reproduce before they die which is source of free food. The starve pacu hate eggs if there's any egg in the room they will get cramped debuff which stop reproduction leading to all starve pacu in the tank dead.

If you don't want to then your build is almost perfect you have to maintain the amount of alive pacu and egg in the same room to match its space needed(8 tile).

Overcrowding not stop pacu from reproduction but stop them from getting any happy boost (ate from feeder buff) So it mean you waste some algae/seed.

Cramped will stop them from reproduce and the source of cramped debuff is egg in the room.

Fastest way to domesticate a pacu is to feed 1kg of algae every day, If you feed with seed you will need to wait like 2 or 3 of the entire lifespans of pacu.
Why ? because you get ate from feeder buff for 1 cycle no matter how much you feed pacu, And when pacu calories is high they wont eat that mean pacu lose ate from feeder buff before they get to eat. So how you make the pacu eat every day? You feed less but more frequent (every half cycle or full cycle) and 1 kg of algae is very low calories and when compared to 1(0.33) kg seed its was like 2-3 day worth of calories.

For the exact number test it in the game and see it yourself.

To point out what you exactly missing is to separate egg from alive pacu, Which you can use door trick to open/close to change which path the newly hatched pacu would go.

Anyway you can ignore any of it if you just build bigger and bigger and bigger tank for ever growing population of pacu.

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