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Cookie Cutter Cap.

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Let's be honest, this thing is, for the most part, a complete and total meme of an item. I believe they could maybe give it a use by making cookie cutters have a reduced agro range on boats with players wearing this item. Since the cookie cutter shells aren't exactly useful for anything once you repair pearls house, and salt is really only useful for making salt boxes for your kitchen and if you are playing warly, it would be a nice QoL. Thoughts?

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Here's how the item could be an awesome alternative to the Football Helmet.

* Require only 1 Cookie Cutter Shell to craft

* Deal AOE damage after being hit, like the Bramble Husk

* Have 80% damage reduction


And there, you have yourself a decent new head item. Right now it costs too much and is overall worse than football helmets. If you could save on pig skin by killing some cookie cutters to get the cookie cutter cap instead of football helmet, that would be awesome.

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I agree with point 3, somewhat agree with point 2, and oppose point 1. These things are really not very useful compared to how easy pigskin helmets are to craft, these things need a slight buff. As for mats, cookie cutters attack en-masse and respawn very quickly, plus they drop their shells at a good rate, so I really don't think they need to be reduced to 1/4th the cost there. While AoE damage might be pushing it, I do think it's very practical and reasonable to grant this item counter-spike damage to individual targets, but I think we should keep the AoE damage unique to Wormwood's Bramble Husks.

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The reason for only 1 cookie cutter shell is so you don't have to farm the suckers so much. Remember, this needs to be balanced to have at least 2 helmets available for multiple players. Have each shell left to 4, 3, or even 2 cookie cutter shell cost and you're straining the total amount and it becomes less plentiful for everyone around. Being able to share items with a dozen players is always great, but that can't happen if the drop pool in conjunction with crafting cost doesn't allow it.

Right now, you need to kill 8 cookie cutters on average for one hat. Even with 1 shell, that's still 2 per hat, which doesn't have much durability (and I arguably think all armors need more durability, not only to make things less grindy, but so new players can make more mistakes while learning the game and not be punished as hard, if they even get to having a piece of armor on them in the first place). 

100% drop rate of cookie cutter shells, 1 per cookie cutter hat, like the 1 pig skin for football helmets and you can go on a voyage to kill a whole bunch while getting some salt and share helmets with other players, or not have to go out to do that in possibly several hundred days and instead go do something more interesting. I would argue the football helmets themselves are too tough to get reliably, especially for multiple players, without a pig farm. The  fighting pigs vs fighting werepigs, getting 4 monster meat for the werepig process, is just convoluted and out of whack anyway that doesn't reflect fair balancing regardless so there's numbers and loot tables there that could be tweaked as well.

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