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Please help us console users klei

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Console cannot download mods I get that but some of the everyday mods on pc are almost a different game. They would benefit console players so much if they we're added to the main game or some way to enable the top mods on PC but usable on console that maybe got high reviews or something similar. 

For example

1. Geometric placement mod, its so nice maybe add a setting to turn it on especially for console. 

2. Geometric drop mod, same with the last one have a setting for advance settings 

3. Epic health bar mod, another addition that could just be in settings or even just a regular part of DST but its very annoying to go against something and not know how low the boss is that your fighting. 

4.Craftpot mod, this would help newer players out a lot and even some older players that just came back to the game again seeing new Crock pot recipes. 

5. Modded huds make them skins i would 100% buy a bunch of these. 

6. Character indicators mod, would help so much when multiple people playing the same character. 

7. Lightning rod indicator mod, honestly not sure why this is not already in the game cuz everything else has indicator except lightning rods. 

8. Combined statuses mod, also not sure why this is not in the game its a very useful thing and I would love to have ot on console. 

9.Show me/insight mod, would be very useful for a taming a buffalo knowing how long your food is going to last how much durability is on a tent etc etc. 

10. Status announcements for when your playing with more people to communicate with them I love this idea and wish it was on console 

11. Set piece config would be amazing for maga basing. 

12. Quick action mod i would love to see this in the base game

13. Minimap mod that would be a great quality of life thing to be added so you don't have to pull up your map while you are getting chased. 


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