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This should be part of the game

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On 10/19/2022 at 4:51 PM, Neotuck said:

You are free to your opinion

But if you're intention is to provide suggestions and feedback to Klei for improved gameplay, then you posted in the wrong section of the forums so don't be surprised if replies like mine are not what you expected


On 10/19/2022 at 3:47 PM, cepahkoll said:

so apparently the game will never be better because of klei, that's not a challenge, it's filling the game with glith, do you want a challenge? make germs dangerous, space dangerous, the way this is a game with no challenge or one, it's quite boring a game full of glitch, it seems like it's using game glitches to play, like I'm bugging the game


both ends. funny thing happened once on stream with one of the devs, and space. He forgot it kills.

As he proceeded to continue to absently send dupes to gather, some of which was on the surface. If not mistaken he nearly wiped the entire colony before realizing.

Furthermore, it was the lead dev for the game at the time. He was astonished as his lemmings pranced out the door w/o helmet, failed to set checkpoint. At which point,thirdly if not mistaken as well, the guy who makes the music helped him avoid colony collapse. After softly explaining the realities of vacuum. I do not know if the vod is still available on twitch or not. And sadly I did not clip it. It became an impetus to practice it more often tho'. hashtag life lessons.

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