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New mechanic for the walls - idea

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Whenl we destroy wall by dealing damage wall can handle we can see this (screenshot) - would be more great if this thing would be removed - and hammering walls would affect the HP of the wall and not the other parametre like we have now 

Снимок.PNG 14.PNG

Also would be cool to see replaced grass wall to clay wall + replaced all gold stuff to iron stuff - add nails and hammer to repair wooden wall using wood materials (starting from logs and ending with boards - no wall segment repair the walls - add new type of recource - cement wich will help repair and construct the stone walls - now stone walls segment will require minimum alchemy angine + only rocks and cement to make wall segments - also you can imagine smth for other type of walls - and moon rock walls to be removed their hammer strike passive resistance  ( rename current hammer to hummer) they are same but with different size compare to each other

(long time walls be useless structure - so if you have time spent some of it on reworking walls please)

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