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So what if you can put a item in the lazy forager and it only picks that one item up but if you want all items picked up you don't put anything in the slot just like with the Aunt Lion Craft how you can put turf into it but it works opposite. 


Another idea is it's named lazy forager why not have it collect sticks and grass and berrys its foraging for us right let it be just that. 

Let me know what you think of these ideas. 

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The item is good for what it is currently because of the refuel factor, but all things considered, I do have to agree with both of these suggestions. Picking up countless items is a symptom of needing to pick up way too many items manually while holding down the spacebar because generating as much basic resources is necessary for long-term survival due to the high cost of many items, particularly the 3-grass cost of rope for using the bundling wrap ONCE. The picking is alleviated by the forager, which can now be refueled by nightmare fuel, meaning you aren't required to travel to the ruins after one is used up, making the trip to get just 1 per player worth all the trouble. Just gather some fuel, and you can keep picking up items in your viscinity from the ground to your inventory.

If many of the items were to cost less, which I think they should, and basic resources were more abundant, which I think they should be, the forager would be back at square one of not being all too useful besides maybe mass wood gathering if that were still a necessaity. This would actually give it a better filtration method than filling your inventory and only letting the items you want to transfer (clever, but not everyone realizes that trick), and best of all, allow harvests to be done by just walking up to given items. I imagine the reed trap could be easily harvested en-mass without clearing the tentacles if you had a lazy forager, which would be a massive boon and clever use of the item.

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You can kind of control what the forager picks up already, by using the ctrl+click function intuitively. if you filled every slot in your inventory with something very abundant, like twigs, 1 in each slot with ctrl clicking, you can keep an empty slot for the specific item you want picked up. As that slot fills, replace more and more of the twig slots with a new slot you want filled.

I don't mean to undermine your suggestion, but just thought it's a neat way to use the forager that people probably don't know about, especially since it may become much more common an item after the update.

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