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Logical communicator.

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Allows you to send logic signals over a distance.

2 size cells.
1 logical port.
1 electrical port. Requires 10 watts.

The interface prompts: Enter any numeric value.

Let's say we have 2 logical communicators, both in different parts of the map, if you enter the same digital values on both, then the signal will be sent from both to each other.

Why is it necessary?
For uniting in a logical network of structures at a great distance from each other.

Really missing this. I don't want to run wires all over the map.

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I'll take an example:
I want to transfer water from the pump to the electrolyzer.
Water flows through a cold area, and I can't keep it there. I need it to always flow.
I am making a system with a water tank, pipes and a pump.
And I also set the priority of the bridge so that water can flow to both branches. The second branch to the descent valve.
When the tank is 100% full, he says: turn off the pump, open the valve until I pour all the water into the electrolyzer.
When the pump is turned off, the water in the pipes begins to flow to the second branch - to the descent valve.
I can't implement this system without running an automation wire all over the map.

And this is just one example.

There is also an unusual consequence.
You can make huge logic centers that run on logic communicators.
That is, all overall structures, I will be devoid of logic, and all the filling can be in another place, it is enough to build a communicator and that's it.
I think this technology can be made high-ranking, demanding space research.
But on the other hand, this technology is needed at an early stage, based on my example, when biome temperatures are still maintained.
In general, this can change the game, I will not say that it is broken, it just opens up interesting opportunities.

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3 hours ago, Genry said:

No,it's a mod - Wireless Automation

Yes, there is Wireless Automation mod

And there is Interplanar Automation mod

And both are at least partially obsolete since Klei added similar buildings to the DLC

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