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Warly shouldn't burn his portable crockpot.

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Hey, I know you all must be busy at klei for the last update.

But I wanted to bring to your attention this problem about Warly that has been addressed before but hasn't been changed and is very important!

As you know, as Warly you can dismantle the portable crockpot with a right click, but at the same time, while holding a torch, you can burn many items including the crockpot with a right click too.  For this reason I've accidentaly burnt in some ocassions my only crockpot instead of dismantling it when I'm holding a torch for the dark or to burn other items. Thankfully, the crockpot is cheap to make again, but I find no reason in allowing this to happen by changing it, unless I'm missing something? If so, I would like to know why you wouldn't change it.

Thanks! And best wishes.

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