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Can someone post a simplest text widget?


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I have a mod that has "charges" (1 charge, 2 charges, etc) and I would like this # displayed on screen as a text (for now).

I tried studying rezecib's "Combined Status" mod but it's far too advanced for me.

Can someone post a simplest text widget?


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After 2 hours I got it to work.
Borrowing "minibadge" widget from receib's "Combined Status" mod, I patched together these.



local require = GLOBAL.require
local Widget = require('widgets/widget')
local Image = require('widgets/image')
local Text = require('widgets/text')
local Minibadge = require("widgets/minibadge")


local function StatusPostConstruct(self)
    local toDisplay = 0

    self.myModChargeCount = self:AddChild(Minibadge("myModChargeCount", self.owner))
    self.myModChargeCount.bg:SetScale(.55, .43, 1)

    local function UpdateCount(data)
        if data ~= nil then
            if data["count"] ~= nil then
                toDisplay = data["count"]
                toDisplay = "-3"
                print ("data[\"count\"] is nil")
            toDisplay = "-2"
            print ("data is nil")

    self.inst:ListenForEvent("myModNewChargeCount", function(inst, data) UpdateCount(data) end, GLOBAL.GetWorld())
    self.inst:ListenForEvent("myModEquipped", function(inst) self.myModChargeCount:Show() end, GLOBAL.GetWorld())
    self.inst:ListenForEvent("myModUnequipped", function(inst) self.myModChargeCount:Hide() end, GLOBAL.GetWorld())
AddClassPostConstruct("widgets/statusdisplays", StatusPostConstruct)


Now for mymod.lua - it needs to push 3 events. 1) when charge changes, 2) when item is equipped and 3) when item is unequipped. However I'm just showing the first one.


GetWorld():PushEvent("myModNewChargeCount", {count = inst.ChargeCount})


Now how do I move this widget...

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Right. SetPosition. I got it to move to where I want.

However when I put SetPosition(0,0) how come it's not at the center of screen but more like upper right-ish... is it because I use "widgets/statusdisplays"?

Also is it correct to use this widget (statusDisplays)?


Edit: Found two issues. The findMyMod() crashes because of a bug. I had it fixed to return nil if it couldn't find the amulet.
Second issue is larger. When the game starts and findMyMod() is nil (the amulet hasn't been crafted or spawned yet) then the widget will be broken. Broken because of the listenForEvent is on the amulet and if the amulet is nil then it's not listening for events. How do I fix this...


    myMod:ListenForEvent("myModNewChargeCount", function(inst, data) UpdateCount(data) end, myMod)
    myMod:ListenForEvent("myModEquipped", function(inst) self.myModChargeCount:Show() end, myMod)
    myMod:ListenForEvent("myModUnequipped", function(inst) self.myModChargeCount:Hide() end, myMod)

It feels like the ListenForEvent should be on self (the widget) ... but how does the amulet send the PushEvent to this widget?

Edit: Fixed. Did this, is this correct?


    self.inst:ListenForEvent("myModNewChargeCount", function(inst, data) UpdateCount(data) end, GLOBAL.GetWorld())
    self:inst:ListenForEvent("myModEquipped", function(inst) self.myModChargeCount:Show() end, GLOBAL.GetWorld())
    self:inst:ListenForEvent("myModUnequipped", function(inst) self.myModChargeCount:Hide() end, GLOBAL.GetWorld())

And on the myMod.lua:




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On 6/16/2022 at 10:45 AM, SenL said:

Did this, is this correct?

If it works it's correct! Usually it's done via other method, see visor_over widged (wagstaff armor), it uses UpdateState(). 
Then you would only need to create the ListentoEvent "NewCharge" when the item is equipped and remove it when the item is unequipped.

On 6/16/2022 at 10:45 AM, SenL said:

However when I put SetPosition(0,0) how come it's not at the center of screen but more like upper right-ish

That's exactly how it works.


To get the screen's center, you can use:

local scr_w, scr_h = GLOBAL.TheSim:GetScreenSize()

-- And use SetPosition with scr_w and scr_h divided by 2 (half of the screen)
self.myModChargeCount:SetPosition(scr_w/2, scr_h/2)


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12 hours ago, Leonidas IV said:

Usually it's done via other method, see visor_over widged (wagstaff armor), it uses UpdateState(). 

I'm not sure how. Do I still do this?


AddClassPostConstruct("widgets/statusdisplays", StatusPostConstruct)


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