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[Suggestion] QoL: Rowing By Holding Mouse Button

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Now that we can chop trees and mine stuff by holding mouse button, I think we should have similar QoL improvement for rowing action.

It is very repetitive and tedious to keep clicking a button, especially the sailing usually takes more than 4 min a time. That experience deteriorates even more when there is lag.

One proposal about how to implement this


Rowing is a mini game that can fail. Failure cause significant reduction in oar durability and wetness increase.

Rowing by holding mouse button seems to be able to eliminate that failure entirely, since holding button doesn't require timing each rowing.

So rowing by holding mouse button has conflict with the rowing mini game.

I suggest this:

Allow rowing by holding mouse button when boat has reached max speed. And the rowing won't change directions until the button is let go. Default rowing rate should be 1 to 1.25 per second.


People with better ideas should also post their ideas.

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