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Cluster.ini versus Settings.ini

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Running a linux dedicated server, working great, with caves.  A little wonky with installing serverside mods as steamcmd is borky with workshop downloads for some reason.

When during searches for different server setting options, I've noticed most posts point to making changes in the settings.ini file (i.e. tick rate or pause server when empty).  But those same settings can be set in the cluster.ini file as well.

Should I be replicating the same settings in the Master settings.ini, Caves settings.ini AND the Cluster.ini? Or is it sufficient to just use Cluster.ini for those settings?

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It's sufficient to just put the options that are available for either files in the cluster.ini.

Adding them to the server.ini allows for overriding the option for a specific shard.

This is useful if you want to run a cluster where the shards have different sub-options. For example if you want to run the master shard (and possibly others) with a tick rate of 30, but the caves on 15, you can set the cluster one to 30 and adjust the caves server.ini to 15, so it get's overwritten for the caves shard.

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