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Efficiency and Wrench for Winona

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Make her fuel generators 2x more efficiently. She kinda already can do it. 

It costs 2 logs 2 nitre and a tape to make a fully charged generator when built. If you want to cut your nitre consumption by half you can break the empty generator for 1 nitre 1 log and a tape so instead of 2 nitres to fully charge it you will pay 1 nitre 1 log and some hammer durability. 

Anyway, it would fit her if she were more efficient generally, she could lose less efficiency for using tools or maybe even armor, slower magilumi drain, etc. Maybe let her have the one arm eating animation for meat food like pierogi. I think that would encourage some people to actually play her and not just switch to others after her buildings are built.

An extra idea so it fits how's she's shown on her animated short's thumbnail: She holds a wrench. It could be used as a weapon strong as a spear but with materials not requiring twigs and grass so if it's more efficient this way you can choose. Wrench used on her crafts to make them more efficient at cost of the wrench's durability. Let's say all her crafts would start with some stat at 0 and work as now but if Winona uses a wrench on them they would get buffed like lights having bigger range and radius, catapults having increased attack speed, generators having reduced fuel consumptions. The would go back to normal overtime one wrench use would restore 50%

Let her generators be turned off to stop consuming charge when not needed.

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Her generators should have an ability to be turned off and on, and fueling them should cost half as much, with these I fully agree.

I think her wrench should exist as well, however I feel as though it should be like a Lucy Axe, in that it is a Hammer with infinite durability.

If we can make her more efficient with armor and weapons breaking less - sort of like that Weaponized Warble song for Wigfrid that would be great. Faster food eating animation would be neat too, as her hunger while crafting is honestly pretty killer. 

All around great stuff!

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