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Revisiting some old Wormwood ideas

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I found a very old post about Wormwood ideas I had a long, long time ago and here are the ones I'd like to revisit.



1. Allowing Wormwood to trigger the bramble husk while blooming.

Balancing around blooming is pretty great because it takes time to resupply the growth effect early vs mid game vs end game. If the husk activates every x amount seconds it will still require proper timing from the player. Also have it cost durability as it is active at all times so the player is resourceful in the manner in which they utilize the husk. The action of needing to be hit to activate the husk is still present but Wormwood will no longer need to approach it's effects in that form as it is counterintuitive. Wormwood getting hit is usually not a good approach as healing is limited. This will give him a unique approach when compared to other characters who can utilize the thorn effect to a greater capacity due to their unrestricted healing.

2. Reset Bramble traps via proximity while blooming.

Bramble traps can be unintuitive and there is no incentive to have lots of them. They have all of the major downside that hound traps do. Most will find a more simple way to farm mobs especially one with the least amount of upkeep. Now that hounds waves are even easier the other more intuitive methods (using mobs) have become even more acquirable than before and can be set up with even smaller designs. Allowing Wormwood to reset them while blooming is such a small but impactful way to make them manageable. They're still balanced around the fact that Wormwood needs to be present and blooming, meaning timing and forethought are still important.

Improving the synergy between wormwood and his crafts is very important to me.

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