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[Suggestion] Change the Mushroom Planters to have either mildly increased harvests or mildly increased yields.

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The Mushroom Planter as it stands now only gives 4 harvests' worth of mushrooms and the yield is dependent on whether or not you used a spore. By default you get 4 mushrooms every harvest if you use a single mushroom to start the process and 6 mushrooms if you use a spore; when farming this way you are encouraged to lose a 1/4 of your total yield (you would gain 3 mushrooms per harvest) or spend time collecting spores which takes its own resources to do and amass (and is also very difficult to do for non-caves worlds). After 4 harvests you must use living logs to replenish the planters.

I would like to propose that the amount of mushrooms the player harvests be increased by 2 (so 6 per harvest if using a cap or 8 if using a spore) to make up for the minimal amount of harvests before you need to use living logs again, or that the amount of harvests be increased to 6 instead of 4 to make the most out of living logs even in the late-game.

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I think Mushroom Planters are underrated heavily. I went through all the Sanity replenishing food items the other day. I believe that Cooked Green Caps are second to none, everything considered.

You get 12 Green Caps per Living Log. That's 180 points of Sanity. I have literally 60 Living Logs already that I don't know what else to do with. People really overstate the cost of Planters. One triple treeguard spawn lategame gives you 18 Logs. A Dark Sword only costs one Log. You don't need all of those Logs, nor do you need to farm tons of Mushrooms either because they give tons of sanity and you get 12 per Log.

I only have two Mushroom Planters right now but I already have a full stack of Green Caps in my Salt Box. They last 40 days in there raw, and when they're about to spoil they can be cooked which those last 20 days in the Ice Box.

Alternative foods for Sanity:

- Jerky: great Food, but has to be dried and you need to farm Pigs/Bunnies or whichever way you collect Meat.

- Small Jerky: Same thing.

- Cooked Cactus Flesh: Great early game, but takes much longer to collect than Mushrooms.

- Dried Kelp Fronds: Needs to be dried, gives less Sanity, harvested near water. Probably the best alternative though.

- Taffy: Great recipe again, but needs to be cooked in a Crock Pot. Takes a lot more time than cooking over a fire. Also deals 3 times the damage to your HP.

Mushroom Planters can be placed right next to your Fire Pit for on demand Sanity restoration. None of the alternatives are as easy or fast as picking a Planter, replanting one and cooking the other three over a fire. The fact that they don't grow in winter is irrelevant when they last over a season even with just an Ice Box and a Fire Pit. Even if you have other food sources, they have clear benefits over all of them so it's worth including some Planters in your base. They also serve as Pierogi filler in a pinch, and they're much faster and more convenient to access than Stone Fruits, which have to be opened and then spoil rapidly. For bulk cooking the latter are better, for convenience and speed Mushrooms are better.

Oh, and Green Caps drop 50 sanity when eaten raw. Easily the fastest method of going insane, and the fastest way of replenishing it at the same time. People are really sleeping on this for no reason.

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27 minutes ago, EighteenXVIII said:

I have literally 60 Living Logs already that I don't know what else to do with.

I think in an established base, logs are no longer needed, and no one will want to chop anymore. So tree guard spawning event is basically once or twice a year when bearger or deerclops show up. Especially in pub, living logs leave chests much faster than coming in depending on how much nightmare fuel is available.

Yes, with good management, living logs will be more than enough, but in real pub games, people usually don't have extra for planter, and 12 caps for 1 log seems not good at all compared to abundant cactus (and food that comes from farming, but i don't farm, so idk).

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