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Tool Variance (Skin or Attributes)

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Hey all! My idea is the following:

Lore wise, all the characters are different and unique. It'd make sense for their tools to be different too! My idea is either skins only to be used by specific characters or the skins + attributes that affect gameplay.

Let me use Wes and Wormwood as examples with shovels.

Wes's could be a balloon shovel. The design would be like one of those balloon animals (the term escapes me) but in the shape of his tool! The durability would be super low (similar to how his survivability is grim). 

Wormwood's would be either a wooden shovel (made out of his living log as a skin) or a pine cone split to be sharp enough to pierce the dirt. One of his attributes could maybe be that the tool can light on fire on the simple fire or by a torch. A plus side could be it lower his sanities loss when cutting trees. 

I'd love to hear everyone else's ideas to add onto this! 

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These characters are fearing for their lives so after some point they let go of their personal desired and habits and start making tools by science, the working way, the knowing way, so that they manage to survive; That would be the reason why they are not different.

I like the idea that Wormwood should be able to dig the dirst with bare hands or branches; He doesn't need toolmaking.

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8 hours ago, Chesmu said:

These characters are fearing for their lives so after some point they let go of their personal desired and habits and start making tools by science, the working way, the knowing way, so that they manage to survive; That would be the reason why they are not different.

I like the idea that Wormwood should be able to dig the dirst with bare hands or branches; He doesn't need toolmaking.

Yes, however, when you're fearing for your life, you use what you have. Wes's starting items are balloons. Wormwood can cut off his arm. (Or as you stated with bare hands)

I also think Wurt should be able to plant reeds (if she does please correct me).


Plus, if they all let go of their habits, Wigfrud wouldn't just eat meat as that's part of her method acting. Although, I could see certain characters going about it the normal way. Wilson, Wickerbottom, ect. going about it the old fashioned way; by the book. Maybe they affect a different tool. Wilson could affect the razor :)

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3 hours ago, Koschei67 said:

Yes, however, when you're fearing for your life, you use what you have. Wes's starting items are balloons. Wormwood can cut off his arm. (Or as you stated with bare hands)

I also think Wurt should be able to plant reeds (if she does please correct me).


Plus, if they all let go of their habits, Wigfrud wouldn't just eat meat as that's part of her method acting. Although, I could see certain characters going about it the normal way. Wilson, Wickerbottom, ect. going about it the old fashioned way; by the book. Maybe they affect a different tool. Wilson could affect the razor :)

Well that makes sense, Wig is on survival crisis and she refuses food, just because it's not meat.

Developers already implented what you suggest I guess, but by the skins, for example we have mime tool skins for Wes to use, since they don't want to make Wes completely unplayeable.

However I also felt uncomfortable by other characters being able to use mime tools! they should not  know how to act like that, it's Wes's profession!

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On 4/9/2022 at 7:41 AM, Koschei67 said:

Wes's could be a balloon shovel.

Wes already has the pantomime tools. While a personal fantasy of mine is wes having balloon skins for things like the dark sword, the night armour, and thulecite gear(crown, suit, club) this probably won't happen.

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