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HELPHELPHELP How do i make a custom sound play upon spawn of my player mod?

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Assuming you want your character to play this sound whenever it appears in the world you can simply put:


in your characters fn() after:

if not TheWorld.ismastersim then

This way your character will play your sound every time it joins a server or switches from surface to caves and vice versa.


If you want to play the sound only when your character is created (so only play the sound once) you would need to listen for the "ms_newplayerspawned" event and play the sound then.

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On 4/5/2022 at 7:11 AM, -t- said:

Assuming you want your character to play this sound whenever it appears in the world you can simply put:


in your characters fn() after:

if not TheWorld.ismastersim then

This way your character will play your sound every time it joins a server or switches from surface to caves and vice versa.


If you want to play the sound only when your character is created (so only play the sound once) you would need to listen for the "ms_newplayerspawned" event and play the sound then.

Hello i know this is MONTHS later but i'm not sure howto put this in? image.thumb.png.fab6234b46d9780c370f4e8bde4116af.png

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In your characters file you should have a function called 'fn()'.

In this function there should be a piece of code that looks like this:

if not TheWorld.ismastersim then
    return inst

Put 'inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("your_sound")' after that.


From what you sent it seems your trying to play the '.mp3' file directly, which is not possible. You need to create a '.fsb' file using FMOD Designer. You can find it in your Don't Starve Mod Tools. If you don't know how to create sounds I recommend this tutorial:


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