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I know I'm not the only one who wants Wortox's soul hop changed, but I would really appreciate it if we could use soul hop while moving the left analog stick. I'm playing on a PS4 and I can't seem to use it while moving. It may conflict with how the circle button functions (digging grass, lighting things on fire etc.), so I was thinking of a short hold function, where holding buttons may have a different outcome. There's also the touch screen option. What do you guys think? :D

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On 3/27/2022 at 10:06 AM, skullend1 said:


Yeah, idk how it can be fixed since we can't drag the mouse and click away. The only logical thing to me would be to make the hop button it's own button. I know L3 or R3 is lock on, I honestly don't remember what the other one is but if it's empty just make it the hop button while being able to freely move the cursor..would still be hard to control 

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