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Wolfgang dumbbells being able to deal 2x damage?

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Within this latest QoL update, Wolfgang's dumbbell's have become a lot more useful. His might meter will pause when moving with them, they can restore might when attacking enemies, and are pretty decent weapons to have in the early game, especially the Marbell. However, while all of these are great additions to his dumbbells, there still isn't much use in throwing them. They stay in the air for a good amount of time, making it hard to calculate where they'll end up, and while they deal AoE damage, it isn't much to write home about when fighting mobs that are chasing your bacon. So I wondered, what if Wolfgang's dumbbells' did double the amount of damage instead?

Though not practical when fighting enemies mano a mano, it could prove useful when dealing with groups of mobs like spiders or splumonkey's. For example: Instead of the Golden Dumbbell dealing 54.4 damage when thrown, it would deal 108.8, and instead of the Marbell dealing 68 damage, it would dish out 136. While this might seem a bit overpowered, Wolfgang's dumbbell's would still stay in the air for longer, meaning you'll still need to predict on where they'll land in order to make contact with a group of monsters. 

But hey, this is just my suggestion. While this would be a nice change to have for the throwing mechanic, I wouldn't be too upset if it didn't make it into the final update, just thought it was a neat idea to add into Wolfgang's kit. 


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