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Another concept for the Lazy Forager

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What if the Lazy Forager can also pick up resources like Grass from Grass Tuffs or Twigs from Saplings? People barely use the Lazy Forager because it's not really that much useful and it takes the backpack space instead of equipping it or maybe a headgear item. Maybe people would see the value of the Lazy Forager if it can pick up resources

or am I too lazy to gather grass and twigs


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If it did things like that it would become a massively used item and maybe it would be good for megabasing or stuff. Currently its useful but i think it could be implemented if it was kinda ridiculous in cost or upkeep to prove that lazyness just isn´t a very sustainable way to make progress. But yeah cool suggestion, not exactly a change that the item needs but it would be nice.

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i've realized that the lazy forager can be used to quickly collect these resources if you set up the farms correctly, I have a very large field of twiggy trees and when I need twigs I throw on my forager and run through on my beefalo (ornery with glossamer saddle, could be faster, but I'm happy with the speed it runs) and I get about 3 stacks of twigs when i'm done (you need to space the trees out enough so they don't fill up each others twig cap too quickly) as for grass, build a grass gecko pen, I have about 8 geckos and I just leave the pen for a while and come back to 2-4 stacks of grass on the floor, then just sit in the middle with your forager while also picking some up manually to speed up the process, if you dont want grass geckos for whatever reason, lureplant farms can be finicky to set up but very functional in the long run (I got a spiky bush world and there's barely any saplings in my world so I plan to set up a lureplant farm at some point with spiky bushes, we'll see how it plays out)

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