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How do I alter color of modded buildings

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I have written a mod that is simply copies of exiting buildings (the storage buildings) that are more expensive, but store more stuff. I'd 

So I've figured out how to alter capacity, names, etc, but I can't find anything in there to simply alter color. I don't need custom art, and I'm hoping it's simpler to just shift or overlay a color.

Can someone give me some guidance? Do I need to add new assets with different colors? Can anyone point me to a mod that does something similar? I've found fancy mods that color shift according to material or temp, but I can't parse those out (or, rather, I don't think it'll be worth the 80 hours of thinking. :) ... let's go with that.)



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KAnimControllerBase kanim = gameObject.GetComponent<KAnimControllerBase>();
if (kanim != null)
	kanim.TintColour = yourColorHere;

for more examples see mods like "Wallpaper", "MaterialColor" etc. In fact if you search "color" in steam workshop you will find many examples

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Hmm, that's what I've been fiddling with today, but I can't get it to work. (got it out of MaterialColor, in fact!)

Maybe it's WHEN I'm using it. MaterialColor seems to run it constantly.

I only have access to the game object during ConfigureBuildingTemplate, which I am overriding, but I get a crash there.

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Update! Here is what worked. Put this into an OnLoad override.

This is coloring my buildings cyan.

            [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Game), "OnSpawn")]
            public static class GameStart
                public static void Postfix() => TryInitMod();

                private static void ApplyColorToBuilding(BuildingComplete building)
                    KAnimControllerBase kanim = building.GetComponent<KAnimControllerBase>();
                    if (kanim != null && 
                        kanim.TintColour = Color.cyan; //any UnityEngine.Color32
                private static void TryInitMod()
                        Components.BuildingCompletes.OnAdd += new Action<BuildingComplete>(ApplyColorToBuilding);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log(ex.ToString());//logging optional, use your logger


New problem!

I cannot tint a solid storage container. How do I give THOSE a tint?

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The solid storages are 'tree filterable' and the above does not work. Use this instead:


[HarmonyPatch(typeof(FilteredStorage), "OnFilterChanged")]
            public static class FilteredStorage_OnFilterChanged
                public static void Postfix(KMonoBehaviour ___root, Tag[] tags)

                    if (___root.name.ToString().StartsWith("YourBuildngName"))
                        if (!IsActive(tags))
                        KAnimControllerBase kanim = ___root.GetComponent<KAnimControllerBase>();
                            if (kanim != null)
                                kanim.TintColour = Color.cyan;
                                Log(string.Concat("Updating Filterable Object Color:", ___root.name.ToString())); //logging optional, use your logger
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log(ex.ToString());//logging optional, use your logger
                private static bool IsActive(Tag[] tags) => tags != null && (uint) tags.Length > 0U;

[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Game), "OnSpawn")]
            public static class GameStart
                public static void Postfix() => TryInitMod();

                    private static void ApplyColorToBuilding(BuildingComplete building)
                       if (building.name.ToString().StartsWith("YourBuildngName"))
                            TreeFilterable treeFilterable = building.GetComponent<TreeFilterable>();
                            if (treeFilterable != null)
                                Traverse traverse = Traverse.Create(treeFilterable);
                                traverse.Field("filterTint").SetValue(defaultColor); //defaultColor is any UnityEngine.Color32
                                Tag[] array = traverse.Field<List<Tag>>("acceptedTags").Value.ToArray();

                private static void TryInitMod()
                        Components.BuildingCompletes.OnAdd += new Action<BuildingComplete>(ApplyColorToBuilding);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log(ex.ToString());//logging optional, use your logger


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