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Warly focused farm combination and sort of season independent, needs more practical testing

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So I tried looking for some Warly focused farms but couldn't find any so I made one. Now because some of its ingredients don't always grow in the same season you might need to substitute them for their alternatives or not since it's only 4 stress,a slower growth speed and a bit of nutrient imbalance due to their growth speed which means you could keep them running even in Winter even though many of the better Warly recipes' ingredients doesn't like Winter.



With this setup it should cover all the crop based seasonings, many of the recipes using onion if you have a potato farm separated and the one that increases temperature which is alright for cave exploring during Winter if you wear some winter clothing, you can still get the other one to cool down if you mix asparagus with the separated potato farm.

The only downside to this will be the season messing with the soil ingredient a bit, for example in the Winter garlic will grow faster than the other crops so you might want to halve its quantity to not mess up Toma Root's stress or change the Garlic for Durian.

I haven't tested this much but it shouldn't be too hard to get one seed per crop for most of it if you talk and water once or twice off season but also because they grow slower you can be away from the base for longer, hopefully.

But at the end of the day these might not be very efficient early game nor late game, meaty stew is way faster to get but getting meat can be boring from time to time and most of all making his unique dishes feels like an accomplishment.

And finally this still needs to be tested in a world, specially early game to see how well they perform for feeding Warly.

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