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Spaced out: Planet Clusters and Traits Idea

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Hello people,

I am really like the Spaced out DLC so far. Unlike the base game, however, there is a limited selection of planet clusters type and no world trait. But even I find it hard to think about implementing back world traits and cluster types on DLC. For instance:

  • For world trait. Say, we choose a world trait of miscalculated pod location. This will only affect the starting planet and be made completely irrelevant if we decided to vacate all of our colonist out of the starting planet. After all, in this DLC, we can just move to the second planet if we don't like our starting planet. So, for world (or cluster) trait, we need to figure out world trait system that affects not just the starting asteroid but also the inner ring asteroids. 
  • Designing cluster types are probably the most challenging. Assuming we want to make remake the challenge living in Aridio, Oassie or Badlands, we must not focus on changing the starting asteroid but also changing the inner ring asteroid, given how easy it is for players to move around the starting 3 planetoids. Just making the starting asteroid hard while leaving the inner asteroid as it is will just compels the player to move out of the starting asteroid and live in a planetoid with more favorable living condition.

Given these premises, I might have some ideas regarding world traits and cluster types:

For cluster traits:

  • Vanilla metal rich/poor, geodes, small/medium/mixed obsidian boulders is applied to starting and inner ring asteroids (This is pretty boring).
  • cluster trait that focuses on changing specific starting or inner ring asteroid. For instance:
    • A trait that makes magma channel spawn in the oily asteroid.
    • A trait that change the location of Radioactive biome from the bottom to the surface of the Radioactive asteroid.
    • Subsurface Ocean or frozen core on either or both of the starting and inner ring asteroids.

For Cluster types:

  •  Barren Cluster (The challenging Cluster):
    • Starting asteroid is basically Aridio Asteroid (With the hot sand creeping into the starting biome)
    • 2nd (Oily asteroid) is the Badlands Asteroid with the oil biome (Little organic resources, rich in refined iron plus oil biome but no magma)
    • 3rd (Radioactive Asteroid) is the Volcanea Asteroid that contains the cold radioactive asteroid on the bottom of map.
    • So the marshy planetoid on the outer ring will be the main source of your organic plants and critters
    • Survival Chance: Slim
  • Frozen Cluster (The Subzero Clusters):
    • Starting Asteroid is basically a frozen variant of the Badlands Asteroid (scarce resources, little wildlife with refined iron)
    • 2nd (Oily and Radioactive Asteroid) is basically a combination of the cold radioactive asteroid and frozen oil asteroid on the bottom of the planetoid.
    • 3rd (Freezing Forest Asteroid) is basically a fuse freezing forest and magma channel on the bottom?
    • So the Superconductive planetoid will be the source of magma.
    • Survival Chance: Moderate
  • Tropical Cluster (The Oceania Cluster)
    • Starting Asteroid is the classic Oceania Biome mainly composed of tide pool biome , without the swamp and oil biome.
    • 2nd (Radioactive Asteroid) is the one with swamp and Uranium.
    • 3rd (Rusty Oily Asteroid) is the one with the rust biome and the oil biome on the bottom.
    • Survival Chance: Moderate

This is simply the Ideas that I thought on the spot. What do you think? Feel free to add your ideas or suggestions on the comment.

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