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QOL configurations for game modes

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It would be nice to have some degree of control on game mode configurations be default like:


  • Number of touch stone uses
  • Touch stone cooldown
  • Game over count limit


  • Enabling ghost for certain time for resurrection chance
    • Resurrection items usability
  • On/Off selecting new character after dying
    • On/Off losing knowledge
    • On/Off spawning portal somewhere in world (to change character without dying or if option is disabled)


  • Portal cooldown
  • Damage protection for certain time after resurrecting from portal
  • Configurable resurrection penalty
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Finally someone comes up with some GOOD suggestions for a future QoL update, I don’t mean to take away from anyone else’s ideas and opinions but most of them are thinking small scale stuff or repeating suggestions we have heard time and time again (such as have archipelago world Gen) when they NEED to be bringing big brain ideas to the table the stuff that shakes the games foundation to its very CORE..

Let me first provide an existing example: I can choose to enable MORE Insanity Monsters or I can also choose to completely Disable them altogether.

Klei needs to give us even MORE control over our worlds like this- If can disable dying from starvation, Why can’t I disable, or reduce the amount of time it takes for food/items to Spoil? At the same exact time if I’m looking for more challenge.. why can’t I speed up the time food & items spoil?

Using DS Solo as an example: as a noob I used to go around burning singled out grass or saplings etc because the fire duration from that lasts long enough to get you through most nights if your caught off guard (I still sometimes use this method because of just how expandable and replaceable planted trees can be..)

However: When you play the DS HAMLET expansion despite the name of grass now being TALL Grass and being well taller, this grass actually burns for significantly less time (it’s not a safe method to survive nights if caught off guard)

Where is this within the games actual customization menu’s why can’t I choose how slow or how fast burning items remain burning? 

Klei gave us more control of this menu and I’m very grateful for that but I just don’t think they have truly tapped into its full potential yet.. They’ve even I guess “forgotten” to include newer content in this menu like More/less/no grass Gator etc…

some of you will probably tell me to just go buy a pc already and use mods to make the game I want to play already… but Why? Why if there’s a menu full of things I can toggle more/less on/off etc…. why does it have to be limited to Mods???

you will probably say “because having items with infinite durability would completely break the games intended way of play.” 

And I would say- doesn’t having the option to completely disable insanity monsters, frog rain, hound waves etc… ALREADY do this??

Now first let me provide an actual Legit reasoning behind wanting items that never spoil- I LOVE some of the Garland and Parasol skins in the game however.. these things have a spoil timer the moment they are crafted regardless of if your holding them or not.

Having a QoL that allows me to pick how slow, how fast or if it spoils at all would go a LONG way in letting me set these items around in my bases as cute decorations without them spoiling out over short time.

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