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Defibrillator, CPR, and Properties Building Info

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Duplicants that have died from suffocation should have some time after they have died where they can be revived by a doctor dup, either through CPR or with a tool like a Defibrillator.

When building stuff having the thermal conductivity of the material in the material select panel would be super useful and also the hardness of the material, having an option to enabled advanced or more info when picking materials would be very useful, especially the hardness as that's not listed as far as i can tell anywhere but on the dropped material item and not on the tiles you're building.

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Maybe all fatal conditions put the duplicants in incapacitated state previously they really die (in this case dupes pass out for lack of o2).

I like the fact a doctor move to execute the first aid on place where the incapacitated duplicant stay , but could be risky depending of envoirment ( both patient and doctor have a chance to become incapacitated in a scalding envoirment without protection , for example ).

For the defibrilator or generic medic kit , we could have a option to create in a crafting station a single use kit ( maybe at the cost of few refined metals , water and bottled o2 , for example ). The idea behind the kit is give the incapacitated duplicant a temporary buff to avoid state change for a little time until reach the medical room.

Basically all duplicants could rescue incapacitated friends , but the doctor "extend" the rescue time in this scenario.

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I like the idea of a special medical kit reated at the crafting table (we could use more things created there). Then a dupe that almost suffocated would be in an uncouncious state which would be basically incapacitated but needs special treatment not to die. A medically trained dupe could sustain the uncountious dupe but not heal them without defibrillation.

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