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Webby whistle new mechanics

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Now we got the new Webber rework and i feel that the Webby Whistle is kinda odd
so i got an idea for a mechanic for this whistle

the first one is basically to be able to help spiders with the whistle
basically you are able to calm down spiders and help them with element effects with the whistle this kinda of mechanic is helpfull with some enemies like red and Blue hounds, deerclops, klaus, bee queen and others, an example of this: if a spider is on fire or panicking during bee queen scream you can blow the whistle and help them calm down and rejoin your squad

Be able to target enemies with the whistle

webber is technically a character that uses the spiders for his own advantages and for the team so why not be able to target enemies without attacking them?, this will make webber spiders control less annoying so you don't go to the enemy and take unnecesary damage (and your spiders too)

this is just a idea that I got a few days after the webber rework dropped, i see spiders like pikmins i know that they AREN'T pikmin thats why i made this 

spiders are webbers main perk since he is a spider so i think why not use the whistle for more things than just call them and put them in defensive mode

also i would love to be able to throw spiders this one is just something that i personally would love to have in the game but i know that probably the whistle improvement will be more useful than this one.


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