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Portal Problem with Mod on Shard

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the mods i installed on the Overworld server don't apply to the cave. i tried to install and start the mods on the cave server to, but then it doesn't start.

Going in the Cave with an item from a mod will cause the item to disappear (Soul Mates Ring) if i try to go to overworld afterwards, it causes a connection loss.

Save slot is cluster or alternative backup saves? Or where i have to put "cluster YourCluster"

Master server.ini


encode_user_path = true

server_port = 30300

shard_enabled = true
is_master = true
bind_ip = [IP from Master Server]
name = Overworld
id = 1

master_server_port = 30302
authentication_port = 30301


Master cluster.ini


game_mode = survival
max_players = 4
pvp = false
pause_when_empty = true

cluster_description = none
cluster_name = World
cluster_password = [XXXX]
enable_vote_kick = false
enable_autosaver = true
tick_rate = 30
connection_timeout = 8000
server_save_slot = 1
cluster_intention = cooperative

token = [SteamID]

console_enabled = true

steam_group_id =
steam_group_admins = false
steam_group_only = false

shard_enable = true
is_master = true
master_ip = [IP from Master Server]
master_port = 30303
shard_name = Overworld
cluster_key = [Cluster Key of Master]


Shard server.ini


encode_user_path = true

server_port = 30100

shard_enabled = true
is_master = false
master_ip = [IP from Master Server]
name = Cave
id = 2

master_server_port = 30302
authentication_port = 30301

Shard cluster.ini


game_mode = survival
max_players = 4
pvp = false
pause_when_empty = true

cluster_description = none
cluster_name = Cave
cluster_password = [XXXX]
enable_vote_kick = false
enable_autosaver = true
tick_rate = 30
connection_timeout = 8000
server_save_slot = 1
cluster_intention = cooperative

token = [SteamID]

console_enabled = true

steam_group_id =
steam_group_admins = false
steam_group_only = false

shard_enable = true
is_master = false
master_ip = [IP from Master Server]
master_port = 30303
shard_name = Cave
cluster_key = [Cluster Key same as Master]



Part of Master Server.log (Shouldn't they be all active?)


[00:12:56]: [Shard] Secondary Cave(2) ready!
[00:12:56]: World 2 is now connected    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[7] <-> 2[7] (disabled)    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[1] <-> 2[1] (disabled)    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[3] <-> 2[3] (disabled)    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[10] <-> 2[10] (disabled)    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[9] <-> 2[9] (disabled)    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[6] <-> 2[6] (disabled)    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[4] <-> 2[4] (disabled)    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[2] <-> 2[2] (disabled)    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[5] <-> 2[5] (disabled)    
[00:12:56]: Validating portal[8] <-> 2[8] (active)   


Part of Shard


[00:05:09]: Validating portal[9] <-> 1[9] (active)    
[00:05:09]: Validating portal[2] <-> 1[2] (active)    
[00:05:09]: Validating portal[6] <-> 1[6] (active)    
[00:05:09]: Validating portal[7] <-> 1[7] (active)    
[00:05:09]: Validating portal[3] <-> 1[3] (active)    
[00:05:09]: Validating portal[8] <-> 1[8] (active)    
[00:05:09]: Validating portal[10] <-> 1[10] (active)    
[00:05:09]: Validating portal[1] <-> 1[1] (active)    
[00:05:09]: Validating portal[5] <-> 1[5] (active)    
[00:05:09]: Validating portal[4] <-> 1[4] (active)   


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So, easy question first:

11 hours ago, Akkusa said:

(Shouldn't they be all active?)

Naa, only the opened entrances are active, as you can't interact with the entrances that still have that boulder on top.

Now to the main part:

Since eyou didn't post any information on that I'm gonna assume that you only configured the mods in the modoverrides.lua in your Master shard, and didn't put anything into the cave shard.

Looking at your .ini files, it seems like you tried setting up two clusters and then connecteed them manually, which is possible, but too much work imo. But it seems like you confused the .ini files and the modoverrides.lua file, only the latter handles enabling the mods.

The general structure is

│      ├──modoverrides.lua
│      └──server.ini

Each shard has their own modoverrides.lua to allow for shard-specific mod configs. The easiest way to achieve what you seem to be trying is to just copy over the modoverrides.lua from your master server shard into your caves server shard.

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7 hours ago, Daniel86268 said:

Naa, only the opened entrances are active, as you can't interact with the entrances that still have that boulder on top.

Ah ok that makes sense, that's why only one got activated yet.

7 hours ago, Daniel86268 said:

Since eyou didn't post any information on that I'm gonna assume that you only configured the mods in the modoverrides.lua in your Master shard, and didn't put anything into the cave shard.

I rented a nitrado server for a month, there is no other way than linking two clusters together.

So basicly i installed the mods on master via \dontstarve\mods\dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua



ServerModSetup("350811795") --Soul Mates
ServerModSetup("375859599") --Health Info

And forced them to load on start in 



This comand lines i just copy pasted to the cave server (\dontstarve\mods\ dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua and modsettings.lua)

I don't use modoverides.lua right now

Structure is like:

Master Server

        ├─[multiple system folders: linux, data,bin, steamapps]


        │     ├──[installed mod-folders]

        │     ├──dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua
        │     └──modsettings.lua




                                  ├─[save & backup]






Shard Server

        ├─[multiple system folders: linux, data,bin, steamapps]


        │     ├──[installed mod-folders]

        │     ├──dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua
        │     └──modsettings.lua




                                  ├─[save & backup]





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1 hour ago, Akkusa said:

I rented a nitrado server for a month, there is no other way than linking two clusters together.

This makes a lot more sense.


1 hour ago, Akkusa said:

And forced them to load on start in 



Don't do this. This is bad practice, and should only used in debudding or modding scenarios. The mods not loading/working properly might be related to this as well.

Instead do something like this:

I made this guide a while ago, and some things have changed since then, but this still works for me.

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Ah thanks a lot! I had only the nitrado tutorials, where the force method is common. I will try your guide instead for some smother experience.

Do you see in this constellation a way to change cluster for world or shard? The configurations are all in cluster 1. So i didn't found a way to set another cluster/world.

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22 hours ago, Akkusa said:

Do you see in this constellation a way to change cluster for world or shard? The configurations are all in cluster 1. So i didn't found a way to set another cluster/world.

I'm not sure how nitrado handles it, since iirc they always do payment for fixed services, instead of giving you virtual ressources for you to use as you see fit, so I can imagine that nitrado limits it to one shard per server, and to have multiple shards you have to rent multiple servers, as you described before.


I just thought you ran multiple clusters on the same machine. Sorry for the confusion.

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