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Alternative Coal Sources

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New diamond-related production chain creates heavy demand for coal. While we do have decent coal source, hatches, I feel like game could benefit from alternative coal/refined carbon source. Sure, there are space destinations with those resources, but AFAIK they are pretty far away. I think introducing new ways of industrial carbon production would be great.

I have multiple suggestions for the way it could be implemented:

1. New recipe for Diamond Press

Coalification process is somewhat similar to diamond formation. High pressure and temperature are required to turn dead plants into coal. 
A machine that creates such condition to turn refined carbon into diamond could be suitable to turn dead organics into coal.

Therefore, first suggestion is to add a new recipe to Diamond Press that allows converting Lumber into Coal.

2. New recipe for Kiln

Charcoal can be produced by burning wood, so, instead of adding Lumber conversion recipe for high-tech Diamond Press, such recipe could be added to Kiln.
This recipe may come in two forms:

1. Simple conversion of Lumber into Coal;
2. Lumber + Coal = More Coal recipe, that creates Coal-positive production loop.

For balancing reasons, the recipe may be locked behind mid-game tech, like a tech of the first tier that requires atomic research, so players won't be able to commence lumber pyrolysis right away, but would still be able to access it earlier than Diamond Press.

3. New building that converts lumber and organics into coal

A separate building for coalification of any organics material and lumber into coal. A mid-game alternative to compost. This option would add more options for coal production, while not messing with recipes of existing buildings.

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