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Charlie’s Fanfare?

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Ok, maybe my ears are just experiencing confirmation bias or something, but I think the devs may have done this on purpose, if my ears are in fact hearing things correctly.

I think they gave Charlie her own little fanfare of some sort... maybe.

Compare the musical score in the background in Axiom Visus starting at timestamp 0:08



to the musical score in the background in the EotS trailer starting at timestamp 0:58



Is it just me, or is the EotS score at Charlie’s part basically the same succession of notes/melody/whatever you call it (don’t know many musical terms myself) as in her entrance in Axiom Visus but with a higher pitch?

I also looked at the Forgotten Knowledge trailer to see if the same melody plays when Winona and Maxwell see her, but I didn’t really hear it when I listened, so of course, I could be wrong.

Anyway, I just thought if this sort of thing was intended in the way I think it is, then I wanted to mention it and just appreciate Klei’s attention to detail.

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Ah, so that's what it's called! I was thinking of "leitmotif" but it wasn't quite correct. Other characters have this as well, a certain melody often plays when they enter a scene/a certain succession of notes plays in tracks that are related to them.

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1 hour ago, Pinegrove said:

Ah, so that's what it's called! I was thinking of "leitmotif" but it wasn't quite correct. Other characters have this as well, a certain melody often plays when they enter a scene/a certain succession of notes plays in tracks that are related to them.

You're on the mark in that leitmotif is likely the best term to describe it. It's really common in video games, but due to the nature of DS/DST's soundtrack, it doesn't really use it much, so its nice that its utilized in the animated shorts. I'm pretty sure the leitmotif originates from the New Reign cinematic, as a similar melody plays on the bells slowly when she throws Wilson back into the constant. I could be wrong, but its really cool when leitmotifs are used well and using it for Charlie is really cool.

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