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Rocket ports are a bit difficult to deal with; if a rocket comes back with non-empty cargo bays, it will want to empty them. That makes sense if your cargo is full. But if, say, you ship hydrogen gas to another asteroid, and the rocket comes back with a few kgs that weren't emptied, you can't fill it.

It would be nice if the automation for the rocket gas/liquid/solid port would control the direction of the flow (fill or empty) instead of enable/disable. Enable/disabled can be controlled by shutoff valves or power switches anyways. Allowing something like green=fill rocket tanks, red=empty rocket tanks would allow for smoother automation of rocket shipping :D

Awesome game and DLC btw!! :)

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I personally think the cargo ports could use a setting like Wash Basins have for direction, as well as an optional element filter.

The element filter would allow for only a specific resource to be unloaded, so multiple rocket ports could be used with different filters to unload different things.

For the settings, there could be 3:
- The default setting would make them work as they do currently, unloading everything then loading.
- "Load Only" setting which would make it always load resources it receives into the rocket.
- "Unload Only" setting would make it always empty the rocket's storage.

I think these two features would allow for much more convenient automated rocket resource management, especially for life support. For example, being able tor refill an oxygen storage module without emptying it first, and being able to empty only the polluted water from a rocket's plumbing storage.

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