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How to become wet?

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So I can make the player wet, but I'm having trouble making the player's inventory wet, and getting the wetness arrow to point up.

if inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() ~= nil then
    if inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() < 0.9 then
        inst.components.moisture:SetPercent(inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() + 0.30)

I've tried making their drying rate negative, and a few other things, but I'm haven't figured it out yet.  I think I need to control or effect 'MoistureRate' and 'EquippedMoistureRate'.
Any suggestions?

Edited by FurryEskimo
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Cool!  I noticed my items becoming wet/dry seemingly randomly, but I guess they’re mimicking the player’s wetness.

I still haven’t figured out how the game normally makes the player gain wetness, but I’ll try poking around in the rain code I guess.

There’s also a ‘wet’ true/false attribute, and I’m not totally sure I what this is used for, but I set it to true; didn’t notice any changes though so I’ll probably remove it.

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Update:  I think I found it, but it's not too helpful..

function Moisture:GetMoistureRate()
    if not TheWorld.state.israining then
        return 0

    local waterproofmult =
        (   self.inst.components.sheltered ~= nil and
            self.inst.components.sheltered.sheltered and
            self.inst.components.sheltered.waterproofness or 0
        ) +
        (   self.inst.components.inventory ~= nil and
            self.inst.components.inventory:GetWaterproofness() or 0
        ) +
        (   self.inherentWaterproofness or 0
        ) +
            self.waterproofnessmodifiers:Get() or 0
    if waterproofmult >= 1 then
        return 0

    local rate = easing.inSine(TheWorld.state.precipitationrate, self.minMoistureRate, self.maxMoistureRate, 1)
    return rate * (1 - waterproofmult)

This seems to be the rate at which the player becomes wet, but I haven't had any luck changing the 'rate' yet, since it's basically the player's waterproof values subtracted from the precipitation rate.  I tried making 'inherentWaterproofness' negative but since the first check is against the weather it to does nothing..

Edited by FurryEskimo
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Update 2:  I basically figured out how to do it, but it won't display a wetness increasing arrow; on the bright side, it won't display a drying arrow.

inst.components.moisture.maxDryingRate = 0.0  --Prevents drying.
inst.components.moisture.maxPlayerTempDrying = 0.0
inst.components.moisture.maxDryingRate = 0.1  --Allows drying.
inst.components.moisture.maxPlayerTempDrying = 5
if inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() ~= nil then
	if inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() < 0.9 then
    	  --14% of the remaining 'dryness' plus 5% (when entering the water.)
		inst.components.moisture:SetPercent(inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() + (0.14 * (1 - inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent())) + 0.05)
if inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() ~= nil then  --Become more wet while swimming.
	if inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() < 0.95 then
		inst.components.moisture:SetPercent(inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() + 0.01)


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