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Gettng monster aggro

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Hey there,

I am wondering if there's a way to gain monsters attention?

I do have a damage aura around my custom character that deals damage to monsters around every couple of seconds, but it doesn't bother the monsters themselfs. I mean - if a players sets aura range high enough - he can be dealing damage to them without them noticing - I'd like to change that.

Anyone got the idea how to make it?

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33 minutes ago, Near4422 said:

I've no idea what am I looking for while scrolling through the combat.lua to be honest.

Or actually how to use it.

If you can post the code for your damage aura. I can show you how to make a simple addition to taunt their aggro.

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local function DMGaura(inst)
local x,y,z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() 
local pt = inst:GetPosition()
local range = TUNING.LIFESTEAL_RANGE  -- range of ability
local DMG = -TUNING.LIFESTEAL_DAMAGE -- Damage dealt to enemies around per tick
local HP = TUNING.LIFESTEAL_HEAL -- HP restored per tick
local tagz = {"monster"}
local canttagz = {"scarecrow"}

	local check = TheSim:FindEntities(pt.x,pt.y,pt.z, range, tagz, canttagz)	
		for _,ent in ipairs(check) do
			if not ent.components.health:IsDead() and ent.prefab == "spider" or ent.prefab == "spider_hider" or ent.prefab == "spider_spitter" or ent.prefab == "deerclops" or ent.prefab == "hound" or ent.prefab == "firehound" or ent.prefab == "icehound" or ent.prefab == "houndfire" or ent.prefab == "houndbone" or ent.prefab == "houndmound" or ent.prefab == "krampus" or ent.prefab == "mosquito" or ent.prefab == "crawlinghorror" or ent.prefab == "terrorbeak" or ent.prefab == "spider_warrior" or ent.prefab == "spiderqueen" or ent.prefab == "tallbird" or ent.prefab == "tentacle" or ent.prefab == "dragonfly" or ent.prefab == "klaus" or ent.prefab == "bearger" or ent.prefab == "stalker" or ent.prefab == "antlion" or ent.prefab == "bunnyman" or ent.prefab == "pigman" or ent.prefab == "merm" or ent.prefab == "walrus" or ent.prefab == "little_walrus" or ent.prefab == "leif" then			

local function maincheck(inst)
 	if not inst.components.health:IsDead() and not inst:HasTag("playerghost") and not inst:HasTag("playermonster") then		

-- 1 time interval between every tick (seconds-ish, it's not 100% accurate)
inst:DoPeriodicTask(2, maincheck, nil, inst)


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2 hours ago, Near4422 said:

local function DMGaura(inst)
local x,y,z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() 
local pt = inst:GetPosition()
local range = TUNING.LIFESTEAL_RANGE  -- range of ability
local DMG = -TUNING.LIFESTEAL_DAMAGE -- Damage dealt to enemies around per tick
local HP = TUNING.LIFESTEAL_HEAL -- HP restored per tick
local tagz = {"monster"}
local canttagz = {"scarecrow"}

	local check = TheSim:FindEntities(pt.x,pt.y,pt.z, range, tagz, canttagz)	
		for _,ent in ipairs(check) do
			if not ent.components.health:IsDead() and ent.prefab == "spider" or ent.prefab == "spider_hider" or ent.prefab == "spider_spitter" or ent.prefab == "deerclops" or ent.prefab == "hound" or ent.prefab == "firehound" or ent.prefab == "icehound" or ent.prefab == "houndfire" or ent.prefab == "houndbone" or ent.prefab == "houndmound" or ent.prefab == "krampus" or ent.prefab == "mosquito" or ent.prefab == "crawlinghorror" or ent.prefab == "terrorbeak" or ent.prefab == "spider_warrior" or ent.prefab == "spiderqueen" or ent.prefab == "tallbird" or ent.prefab == "tentacle" or ent.prefab == "dragonfly" or ent.prefab == "klaus" or ent.prefab == "bearger" or ent.prefab == "stalker" or ent.prefab == "antlion" or ent.prefab == "bunnyman" or ent.prefab == "pigman" or ent.prefab == "merm" or ent.prefab == "walrus" or ent.prefab == "little_walrus" or ent.prefab == "leif" then			
				if ent.components.combat then

local function maincheck(inst)
 	if not inst.components.health:IsDead() and not inst:HasTag("playerghost") and not inst:HasTag("playermonster") then		

-- 1 time interval between every tick (seconds-ish, it's not 100% accurate)
inst:DoPeriodicTask(2, maincheck, nil, inst)



--all you need to do is place this inside your DMGaura function's for loop's after you check to make sure the ent is valid.
if ent.components.combat then


Edited by IronHunter
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