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Why do RPCs not work on mod startup?

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Does anyone know why a mod RPC command WON'T work during start up, but WILL run on a key press?


-- example modmain for a server-side mod

local NAMESPACE = "MyNamespace"
local RPCFake = "HOWhekDOwork"

local function FakeListenerAction()
	print("What is going on!!!")

local function RegisterFakeRPCListener()
	AddClientModRPCHandler(NAMESPACE, RPCFake, FakeListenerAction)
	AddModRPCHandler(NAMESPACE, RPCFake, FakeListenerAction)

local function CallFakeRPC()
	SendModRPCToServer(GetModRPC(NAMESPACE, RPCFake))
	SendModRPCToClient(GetClientModRPC(NAMESPACE, RPCFake), nil, "var")

CallFakeRPC() -- ignored / doesn't work

GLOBAL.TheInput:AddKeyDownHandler(string.byte("t"), function()
	CallFakeRPC() -- works



Edited by Bigfootmech
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11 minutes ago, penguin0616 said:

Are you testing in a game with caves?

BOTH RPCs don't work?

I'm testing the game with caves (going up and down to trigger client mod load)

Both RPCs don't work on mod load. (hang on, let me double check for error)

One of them works on pressing "t" after I load in (correct behaviour)

So as Skylarr said, I'm assuming it's something to do with timing.

Although as far as I can tell, it seems to be C-side, since I can't plumb TheNet

So I was wondering if anyone knew more

Edited by Bigfootmech
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Well, good news, and bad news :P

I'm pretty sure it happens inside

TheNet:SendModRPCToServer("MyNamespace", 1)

I also can't find the string inside /scripts/

But there is a hit for "Error encoding lua RPC mod namespace" inside




So, it seems to be a C-side error with "encoding mod namespace" at the time of running the mod.


I'm assuming then, that the mod (or maybe ALL the mods) need to load before any ModRPCs can be sent?


This is less than ideal for me, when the only time I want to send an RPC is on mod load :p

I might already have a workaround though. Since TheNet:SendRemoteExecute() seems to work

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Wait, I was looking at the wrong place >.<

There's no point looking at server-side startup.

The call is actually sent by the client.

Then I'm seeing a

"Error decoding lua RPC sender" server side (even though SendRemoteExecute works fine to my local hosting, and shows userID)

Still seems to be C-side though


46 minutes ago, penguin0616 said:

SendRemoteExecute is how the console sends commands to the Remote. It won't do anything unless you have permissions set on the server.

Ah, I was thinking I could check permissions on the command myself. Guess not.

There also might be the option of something like DoTaskInTime

Alternatively, detect an event server-side for end of migration, and start communication from there.

Possibly even using Net vars (but that seems kind of horrible for sharing a long string once)

I can make it work

I just wanted to try make it work as "tightly" as possible

Edited by Bigfootmech
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