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efficiency and petrol engines and generators

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Hello, have any chance to adapt the efficiency variable in one or both petrol engines ( energy producer and rocket engine ) % based on fuel you using ?

For example: 1- In petroleum generator use both fuels and gives the same result ; this is already good , but if petroleum is powerfull to move a rocket, maybe could have other effects on those engine; idk , maybe works similar to the desalinator ( use X of petroleum and Y ethanol and gives different results, like consume less petrol and have the same outputs; or ethanol produces less CO2 ; or petroleum outputs some power ).

2-If possible, petroleum engine ( rocket ) could use ethanol too , but a very low efficiency (a quarter or half ) ; the idea here is have a intermediary use to petroleum engine until you stabilize you petroleum generation and have a extra option without make other ones obsolete. 

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