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Dedicated server, Version mismatch issue.

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I tried making a server with the "tropical experience" mod set up so that the dedicated server would have 4 shards: Normal DST, Normal Caves, Shipwrecked, Hamlet. The idea is to closely replicate the first game's DLCs and connected worlds but for DST so I can play it with some friends. I finally got it to start with no fatal errors, the 3 secondary shards all start up and connect to the Normal DST (Master shard) and the Normal DST shard gets through without crashing and says "Registering master server in US lobby" meaning it is now open. The problem is that I couldn't find it on the "browse servers" list and eventually attempted to directly connect where I was then met by a "version mismatch" error (See image below) which confuses me because they both seem to be up to date on steam, I then tried to reinstall the dedicated server on steam but that did not fix the issue and then tried updating all the mods and that still didn't fix it. I have ran out of ideas on how to fix this so I was hoping someone could help here.

RoG (Master shard): server_log.txt

Caves (Secondary shard): server_log.txt

Shipwrecked (Secondary shard): server_log.txt

Hamlet (Secondary shard): server_log.txt


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According to the log your server is running the version 443927. The current version of the server seems to be 446029 though. (Just checked on my server)

When setting up a dedicated server, use steamcmd when possible, if you are using the steeam client version. People have had issues with the steam client version of the dedicated server before. (not up to date, corrupted version, etc.)

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8 hours ago, Daniel86268 said:

According to the log your server is running the version 443927. The current version of the server seems to be 446029 though. (Just checked on my server)

When setting up a dedicated server, use steamcmd when possible, if you are using the steeam client version. People have had issues with the steam client version of the dedicated server before. (not up to date, corrupted version, etc.)

I was afraid you would say that, because I already saw the fandom wiki but all it says is to make a bat file. For Windows it says nothing about where to put it or what to do with it, so I did the only option I could think of by putting it anywhere I please and then running it. Sure enough this got me nowhere. I double checked that I set the file location in the bat file to the right place and then I was at a loss as to what else to do. If you have any information on how to update the server using steamcmd please tell me because apparently there is no reliable documentation on it anywhere.

A small update: I think I figured out how to do it, but sadly it seems to still be on the same version. So maybe I did it wrong.
At least now version.txt says the correct version.


Nevermind, my very first idea of deleting the files and redownloading them from the steam client worked just fine this time I guess last time I just did it wrong?

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