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AMAZING grass farm!

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So, since Wikerbottom reseaved a nerf (uncalled for btw) I desided to share my grass farm with everyone.

This is a lureplant farm designed by me. It's pretty basic, so I won't be surprised if someone already came up with this, altho i never seen any guides or discussions of lureplant farms that don't feature Wikerbottom books. And when it comes to farming grass, people usually talk grass geckos or tumbleweeds.

Anyways, here is how it works:
Lureplant only digest 1 item per 20 seconds, and it dosen't harvest anything unless players are nearby. So, we are making an off screen grass farm.

Step 1:
Choose a proper placement. We need a lot of free space (17x17 tiles), and it's better to have this somewhere nearby, since walking is boring.
I suggest either 15 tiles away from base, or if you live next to a wormhole - place this farm on the other side if it.

Step 2:
Dig up 9 turfs with a 3 tiles gap between them.


Step 3:
Connect all dug tiles except for the middle one.
Decorate them with whatever turf you want (I suggest carpet for the middle and edges, and road/shell turf for everything else).


Step 4:
Plant 2 grasses on the edges of shown tiles. Geometric placement (client mod) is highly recommended.


Step 5: connect these grasses to form 2 squares. Action queue reborn (client mod) will speed this up.


Step 6:
Fertilize your grass, and place a lureplant bulb in the middle.
Come back in 3 days or whenever you feel like it (aside from winter) to collect 120 grass in less than 10 seconds.

Step 7:
If that's not enough, Repeat the steps to create 3 (or more) farms nearby.
Make some chests and lighting rod, and have a water can just in case.


Some extra notes:
You can still use Wikerbottom books on this farm, if you have some kind of grass addiction.
You can also use twigs, berry bushes or stone fruit bushes instead of grass.
Twigs work the same.
Berry bushes are thick, so you will only get 40 berries per lureplant.
I'm unfamiliar with stone fruits, but from what I tested they seem to only grow 1 phase off screen and then freeze. So you need to visit them, leave them, and then come back again so that they would actually fully grow. You will get 120 fruits per lureplant. 






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Can eyeballs spawn on cobblestone and carpet? Also I saw few of them on springs but I don't care about, how to get more of them (without world generation options). Also also how much is it takes to grow her meat?

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