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Desalinator Temperature change

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So I noticed the desalinator sets water to 40C or higher. meaning it creates IMMENSE amounts of heat, but it also has the side effect of making cold brine easy to deal with, I have a geyser in my first world that I am able to tap into and desalinate it with a heat exchanger for bristle blossoms. It seems to be a strange consistency thing, as the water sieve outputs the same tempature that come in, even if the water would freeze, while the desalinator removes this issue and introduces massive heat multiplication. I feel a change to make it like the water sieve would make the requirment of warming the water before filtering it far more interesting and remove a massive amount of heat generation while also making the desalinator no longer a bristle blossoms best friend when paired with a cold brine geyser. I would also like to specify, it only heats brine turned to water to 40c, not salt water.

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I think we need to keep in mind that we are only seeing ONE of the presumably multiple scenarios that will be in the new release. I was thinking similar thoughts, that they need to make aspects of it harder. But, then I remembered that this might be intentionally the "easy" scenario. Plenty of time to get comfy on the first asteroid before moving on.

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